{{ item.title }} PAST HUNTS arrow_drop_down {{ item.title }} Past Hunts {{ past_hunt_2020.year }}



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In light of the Covid-19 outbreak, the planned runaround has been scrapped. It would have begun at the Yoda statue at the Sandcrawler building in Singapore, taking teams through: (i) Fusionoplis, (ii) one-North Park, and (iii) Biopolis. In each of these three clusters, teams would have been able to obtain a word by solving a series of puzzles, yielding the final answer: USE D-FORCE SPRAY, in a nod to both the Star Wars theme and the insectoid nature of Edgar the Bug, who was the main antagonist in the first MIB movie.


In the original timeline, the agents you tracked down had directed agents to Yoda to seek his advice. Under the tutelage of Yoda, a brave team of agents discovered how to defeat Edgar the Bug: by wielding that fearsome weapon, D-Force Spray.

Unfortunately, before the agents managed to deal the fatal blow to Edgar the Bug, he successfully travelled back in time to prevent agents from finding Yoda. We live in this alternate timeline now, but the MIB is confident that brave agents like yourselves will eventually find another way to bring an end to Edgar the Bug.

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